Tibetan Singing Bowl + Breath Counting

Center, ground and realign to the high vibrational sound of the Tibetan singing bowl. Then, learn a new breath counting technique by counting in succession from five up to ten:

Start by counting “one, two, three, four, five” (only up to five) while inhaling and then count “one, two, three, four, five, six” (up to six) while exhaling.

The next inhale takes you up to seven (“one, two, three, four, five, six, seven”) and the following exhale up to eight. Then count up to nine on your next inhale and to ten on your next exhale. Do this as many times as necessary to focus the attention on the breath.

Ragda Deeb

Ragda Deeb, MPT, RYT 200 is a licensed master of physical therapy, registered yoga teacher, meditation guide, Master Reiki practitioner, spirit group leader and facilitator, and personal growth and spiritual guide.


Tibetan Singing Bowl, 5 Senses Mindfulness and Breath Counting


The Observer