We pray. We chant. We sing. We dance. We release. We laugh. We cry. We heal. We Earth. We celebrate our beautiful selves. We find freedom. WE ALIGN. We have ceremony. We connect. We love our bodies. We befriend our minds. We invoke the Goddesses. WE BECOME VIBRANTLY ALIVE. We. Wake. Up.

This is a six-month immersion called The Five Pillars of Spiritual Alignment. It can be done in an individual private or group format. I am attracting those who are ready to do the work, shed the fear, crave a stronger connection with Spirit and aren’t afraid to prioritize themselves. I’m calling in those passionate about personal growth and spiritual development, and ready to commit time + energy to letting go of that which no longer serves. 

Book a discovery call with Ragda by clicking on the button below to learn more. We will personalize this journey to fit your needs.

Honestly, I could go on and on and on about all the benefits of this journey. The program is FULLY LOADED, and gives clients REAL RESULTS. Need proof? Check out these pre and post assessments results from my most recent client who very recently completed her private journey!! She rated life enhancement skills on a scale of 1 to 10 before and after taking the 5POSA Journey (The Five Pillars of Spiritual Alignment).


 The Investment


I'm offering a one-time, very low price of $500 per month (this is a $10,000 program). I will be doubling the price three to four times to get it to where I believe it deserves to be.

  • You're getting EIGHTEEN, 90-minute live teaching Zoom calls by me

  • Monthly one on one coaching calls

  • 18 fully loaded training manuals (5-12 pages typed), all written by me

  • Live shamanic healing ceremonies

  • An accountabilibuddy system (for groups) for integration and practice

  • A welcome box full of spiritual goodies, and sooooo much more!

    If you’re ready to find freedom in all areas of your life, on all levels of your being, if this tugs on your heart, if you’re not afraid to jump into the ocean of healing in order to find your deepest alignment with Spirit, then click on the heart on the image below to set up a discovery call with me.

I am ready for you. I will lovingly hold and guide you back to the Truth of who you are. Let us awaken that happy-go-lucky Spirit within, and cultivate practices that stick... FOR LIFE. Let’s. Enhance. Your. Life. In the ways that bring you steady peace. Steady joy. Steady ease. Steady grace. This New Earth is calling for the aligned, heart-centered, truest version of YOU. The you that shines unapologetically. The one that knows his worth and lights up with his internal flame. The one that loves with his heart wide open.

I’ll share my heart and Soul with you, and will invite you to do the same. Together we will free ourselves from all that binds. 

Love you. 

Love me.

Meet Your Guide

Ragda Deeb

Ragda is a spiritual alignment coach, yoga + meditation teacher, and master Reiki practitioner. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University with a double major in Psychology and Human Development, then a master's degree in physical therapy from The University of St. Augustine. She's an intuitive mother to four boys, and keeps an intense focus on her own personal growth and spiritual development which gives her an edge on coaching others. Ragda’s love for cultivating inner peace and stillness is contagious as she creates sacred space for somatic, intuitive and energetic healing. In her downtime, she enjoys visiting sacred sites around the world, and having deep conversations with friends. She considers herself a "spiritual retreat junkie" and loves nothing more than to just BE.


Evergreen Discovery Calls


Ragda offers initial consultations free of charge for spiritual coaching. You're invited to book your discovery call by clicking on the button below. You'll be guided to complete a short questionnaire that will help you gain clarity on what you'd like to discuss. ​

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